Global Community

The artists and companies involved in this area of work don’t share a global common language. Some define themselves as ‘inclusive’, interactive’, ‘integrated’ or ‘accessible’; others use terms like ‘disabled-led’ or ‘disability arts’ or talk about ‘unlocking authentic voices’.

We have decided to use the term ‘inclusive’ to recognise a shared ethos. Inclusive Art recognises the contributions of disabled people, the value of inclusive practices, and the importance of representation with dignity, diversity and difference that enable disabled young people, participants and artists to take part.

Here you will find a list of companies that share the International Inclusive Arts Networks ethos. Click on the links below to explore the different companies:

AFRICA           ASIA            AUSTRALASIA 


To add your information to our database please send us an email  with the following information:

  1. Company title / Artist Name Surname
  2. Website / Facebook page
  3. Contacts (email)
  4. Short description of how your work is related to inclusivity

Send this information to

We have added a new feature to the IIAN. You can now visit our YouTube page where we have begun to create a YouTube library of examples of inclusive practice from around the world.